Art + Design to define YOU...and creative gifts too!

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Thanks for visiting, please make yourself at home. Scroll down for my most recent blog post. Scroll over the catagories to see additional information and news. Let me know if I can assist you with something you see. Commissions + custom projects are always welcome. Come back and share my site with your family + friends.

My wish is that my work inspires you heart to smile ~ Darla

Monday, August 16, 2010

Always a student

I am so excited about my abundant-creative-wisdom class (have to create a name for it :).  Each morning I get up, let Wrigley out, start the coffee and gather my books. I try to incorporate what I learned each day and apply as much as possible to my day. It is amazing how when you listen, the universe does whisper to you. The question is are you ready to hear.

I  am so excited about my new happy journey.  I share it with everyone near to me.  Some are happy for me, some accepting and some wonder what I am drinking!  I would love to say I am high on life most of the time.  But lets be real, life sometimes gets in the way.  I am learning it is how you respond.  Up until a few months ago I wasn't such a happy focused person.  But now I am REALLY trying to be just a better me.  I am starting from the inside out.  So each day I get up and start my day in the right direction. 

Now I have to add another time!  I HAVE to work on some new pieces.  What is stopping me?  I am such a planner (remember I am a Capricorn).  I WILL carve out time to PLAY, paint and create.  I will NOT work on the laundry, accept a new project for the extra income or "research" on the computer.  Does this happen to anyone else?  
Please tell me I am not the only procrastinator here!

I will start tomorrow after "my ACW class".  I have some sketches started from my recent journal entries.  I will create a rough and share with you in my next post.  There I said it!  Since last weeks journals I have incorporated being more FEARLESS and just added COURAGEOUS to my list to "BE".  Similar, I know.  But as as Sarah B. of Simple  Abundance says,  "Have the courage to create"
...I think I will!  

Until then, be fearless and enjoy the little moments in life!   ~  Darla      


  1. Hi Darla! Nice post. I am a Capricorn too and can totally relate to the planning/incubating phenomenon. What lovely work you do. Beautiful blog and your upcoming class sounds wonderful. In terms of naming it, I am also going thru some naming and re-naming for my creative biz. I am posting a helpful tool via a link to my blog. This app helps me brainstorm with words, creative naming etc. Have a look perhaps it will help you too!
    One Love,

  2. Hi there, So you CAN relate! Sometime I feel very torn inside. The earge to create gets overshadowed with planning. Thanks for the kind comments and sharing your info. + blog. I will click on over. I hope you come back to visit. Take care, D

  3. Darla...
    What beautiful paintings! I love all 3! And yes . . . sometimes it is the little life details that get in the way ... and, yet they are the way. Life is just dotted with random points of joy and laughter, pain and irritation. Bills to pay and moments to savor. But finding time to create is important!

    Fearless, yes. That is a great word that I'm seeing alot of lately!


  4. P.S. I don't remember if I told you before, but I LOVE your blog eye catching and's one of my goals to get a banner up that I adore.

  5. Thanks Jodene! I guess I am listening to my inner artist and just going for it now! I am LOVING to paint again! So hopefully it is showing through. Though I have to say, sometimes fearless is in big steps and sometimes tiny. Good luck with your banner!

    Talk soon, Darla
