Art + Design to define YOU...and creative gifts too!

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My wish is that my work inspires you heart to smile ~ Darla

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Mixing it up is the only constant.  I have heard it for years and know it to be true.  Sometime it is difficult to see the need for change.  Sometimes it happens without our consent.  Sometimes it is a good thing.  

I took an e-course a few weeks ago from a fellow artist.  I love to learn, but never participated in an online course before.  It was like opening up Pandora's box.  Amazing, overwhelming, challenging, etc.  I have had Kelly Rae Robert's book " Taking Flight" for almost a year.  I opened it, scanned the pages, but never really read it.  Till now.  

You see I am on a journey of growing.  I am mixing it up.  I am teaching myself how to be a better me.  Changing.  So in the morning I start my coffee, let the dog out and hit the books.  My journal, "Simple Abundance", "The Four Agreements" and "Taking Flight".
Today in "Simple Abundance" Sarah Ban Breathnach talks about "A Net for Catching Days".  Create a plan, a "To Do" list.  So my plan is to blog once a week about my journey.  It may not make the front page news...but it will be under "categories" on the top bar.  I hope you come an join me.  Share your comments.  Go by the books.  I hope they will bring you joy...they are for me!     
If you keep doing what you've always done, you'll keep getting what you've always gotten." 
~  Anonymous


  1. i'm reading the simple abundance book this year and i love it!! i love having a little something to read and think about each day- it's so great!

  2. I am SO happy to have a fellow S.A. Friend! I went away for the weekend and really missed not reading everyday. Now I will travel with all my books!

    Every day something new, todays (Aug. 10th) was REALLY inspiring. Let me know your thoughts? So what gifts is the universe calling for you?

    Thanks for sharing! ~ Darla
